Catalogues Raisonnés

  • Charles-François Daubigny : Catalogue Raisonné

    Charles-François Daubigny : Catalogue Raisonné

    François Delestre is preparing the second supplement to the Catalogue Raisonné of the artist Charles-François Daubigny (1817-1878).

    The first volume was published in 1976 by Mr Robert Hellebranth. It includes 1016 paintings. The second volume was published in 1996 by Mr Robert Hellebranth and his wife Anne Hellebranth and includes 224 paintings.

    Following Mr Hellebranth's death, his wife asked François Delestre to pursue this work and a third volume will be published at a future date. 

    This work conducted shall provide a better sense of the artist’s work, and the third volume published in the future will help to consolidate the expansive database of the artist's paintings.


    For any inquiries, please find below the contact details:

    Second Supplément du Catalogue Raisonné de Charles François Daubigny

    François Delestre


    17 rue Notre-Dame Des Victoires,

    75002 Paris

  • Johan-Barthold Jongkind

    Johan-Barthold Jongkind

    Formed in 2003, and composed of three members, Mr. François Auffret, President of the Association of the Friends of Jongkind, Mr. Ivo Bouwman, Gallery director in The Hague, and Mr. François Delestre, one of the founder director of Gallery Stoppenbach & Delestre, the committee Jongkind Paris-La Haye's role is to bring to light, and consolidate the research on the work of the Dutch artist, Johan-Barthold Jongkind (1819-1891).
    Carrying on the comprehensive research done by Mrs. Victorine Hefting, whose book is the main reference for the work by Jongkind, the committee will shortly be publishing a critical catalogue in two parts, one focusing on oil paintings, and the second on watercolours. 

    The committee hopes to count on the support of institutions, or private collectors, to publish this work.


    For any inquiries regarding the project, please find below the contact details:

    Catalogue Critique de l’œuvre de Jongkind

    Comité Jongkind Paris - La Haye

    François Auffret, Ivo Bouwman, François Delestre


  • André Derain

    André Derain

    Robert Stoppenbach, a specialist in works by André Derain (1880-1954) was a member of the Comité Derain, the committee that authenticates works by this Modern French artist.

    Adrien Delestre has continued in the footsteps of Robert Stoppenbach, having recently joined the Derain committee as his youngest member.

    Up to now,  there have been three volumes published of the Catalogue Raisonné of paintings by Michel Kellermann. The Comité Derain meets every three months to examine paintings, watercolours, drawings and sculptures and regularly offer its expertise to museums on the artist's work.

    In view of the artist extensive interest i.e paintings, sculpture, theatre design, and book illustration, the committee carries out research in order to make better known the artist work and highlight his role in the development of Modern Art.


    For any inquiries about the work by André Derain, please find below the contact details:

    Comité Derain
